Osteopathy for Migraine and

Suffering from the headaches and migraines?

Are you waking up to the distressing grip of a migraine, only to find that it lingers throughout your day, diminishing your ability to relish life’s everyday joys? Do you find yourself facing increasing challenges in your daily activities, whether it’s tackling work projects or pursuing personal interests? Perhaps the thought of returning to your professional responsibilities, such as attending meetings or sitting at your desk, fills you with apprehension due to discomfort and limitation? Even simple tasks, like typing on your keyboard or reading documents, now feel burdensome? Moreover, does the persistent ache in your head interfere with your concentration and productivity throughout the day?

Osteopathy for headaches migraines and concussion

Headaches are associated with impairment of nervous system that is responsible for pain perception and sustained pain.

In migraines, studies show the brain processes information abnormally a few days before an attack, then returns to normal during the episode, at a time when severe pain may also manifest itself.

Each headache is different. Some come from tense neck muscles or blocked sinuses. Others happen when tissues don’t let blood flow properly. Sometimes, joints are stiff, making your head tilt and strain your eyes, especially when you’re looking at a computer screen.

Emotional stress is also a big headache trigger.

Also, general fatigue and overexertion can contribute to headaches.

How Osteopathy helps your headaches and migraines.

Osteopathy offers a safe and effective approach for evaluating, managing, and preventing various health issues related migraines and headaches.

When migraines or headaches linger beyond a few days, consulting an osteopathic practitioner can provide relief and offer strategies to prevent future occurrences.

By addressing the root causes of headaches, osteopathy aims to promote long-term relief and overall well-being.

At Annex Osteopathy we take a holistic approach to your body’s well-being, striving to harmonize the function of your bones, muscles, and joints.

Utilizing osteopathic techniques such as very Gentle joint mobilization, muscle stretching, and Myofascial Release, we work on improving mobility and ease muscle tension that might be causing the headeaches. Additionally, we integrate Craniosacral Therapy into the treatment to further promote relaxation and balance within the body.

Alongside personalized exercise plans and lifestyle advice, osteopathy offers effective solutions for managing both short-term and chronic headaches.

Research consistently supports the positive impact of osteopathic treatments in easing headache discomfort.

Consider exploring osteopathy as a potential option for finding relief and enhancing your overall well-being.

At your first appointment, we’ll dive into a thorough assessment and kickstart your treatment plan. At Annex Osteopathy, we always discuss your overall health, your specific struggles with migraines and headaches, and how we can help. We’ll examine your whole body, watching how you move, doing some simple stretches, and conducting specialized tests.

Furthermore, the osteopathic practitioner will palpate and examine your joints, ligaments, and tissues connected to head and neck. Osteopathic practitioners are skilled at assessing various health issues, including those related to migraines and headaches, which may require further investigation.

Treatment will be tailored to your unique situation, considering factors like where you feel discomfort, how long it’s been bothering you, your age, and any relevant medical history. Our goal is to ease tension, loosen muscles and boost mobility, and increase relaxation, all to help relieve your headaches or migraines.

While you don’t have to see your doctor before coming to us, you’re welcome to if you prefer. In fact, many people come to osteopathy after having seen a neurologist. At Annex Osteopathy, we’re here to support you with recovery tips and ways to keep you feeling your best.

Tips for dealing with headaches and migraines.

Find a calm environment.

At the first sign of a migraine, seek a calm environment and rest. Diminish light and sound, apply hot or cold compresses, and consider sipping a caffeinated drink. However, be cautious of excessive caffeine intake, which can lead to withdrawal headaches, and avoid consuming caffeine too late in the day to prevent sleep disruption, which can exacerbate migraines.

Sleep well

Migraines can disrupt sleep and are often triggered by poor sleep. Maintain regular sleep hours, limit daytime naps, and unwind before bed. Watch your pre-bedtime diet and minimize distractions in the bedroom. Engage in quiet activities if you can’t sleep, and check medications for stimulants.

Eat wisely

Your eating habits can influence your migraines. Consider the basics: Be consistent. Eat at about the same time every day. Don’t skip meals. Fasting increases the risk of migraines. Avoid foods that trigger migraines. If you suspect that a certain food is triggering migraines, remove it from your diet to see what happens. These foods may include aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol.

Exercise regularly

Physical activity releases chemicals that block pain signals to your brain and reduce anxiety and depression, which can worsen migraines. Choose enjoyable exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling, but start gradually to avoid triggering migraines.

Manage stress

To manage stress and migraines, simplify your life by avoiding overcommitment and delegating tasks. Organize your time effectively, break large projects into smaller tasks, and take regular breaks to recharge. Dedicate time daily to enjoyable activities, and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing for at least 10 minutes each day to alleviate stress.

Strive for balance

Living with migraines is challenging, but healthy lifestyle choices can ease the burden. Seek support from friends and loved ones. If feeling anxious or depressed, consider counseling or joining a support group.

Call our osteopathic clinic today (416) 550-0143 to book your appointment.