Osteo-Articular Corrections

Osteo-articular correction is an osteopathic technique that aims at the restoration of proper mobility and positioning of the joints.

This therapy involves low grade, slow speed movements. Osteopathic practitioner first places your bones in a precise position and wait for your body to relax before applying gentle pressure.

The therapist never moves your joint beyond its physiological range of motion. It helps to gently release the tensions in joint capsule and thus restore its mobility.

This technique can be applied to any joint in the body, because the therapist always respects the proper anatomical position, the structure, and the function of the particular articulation.

This technique improves the body’s response to pain by reducing sensitivity to pressure in the targeted tissue.

As a result, after mobilization, the joint becomes less sensitive, leading to a decrease in overall pain levels.

Osteo-articular corrections Joint Mobilization

Most people with stiff or painful joints may benefit from joint mobilization.

Joint mobilization is a hands-on technique used by Osteopathic manual practitioners. It involves the application of pressure over a stiff or painful joint. This treatment can improve your range of motion and function while reducing your pain. It is thought to do this by decreasing the sensitivity or excitability of the tissue in the targeted joint.

Joint mobilization therapy may help you manage symptoms of the following conditions:

What to expect on your first visit.

Joint mobilization therapy allows you to remain fully clothed for enhanced comfort.

In order to provide you with the safe and effective treatment, we’ll discuss your overall well-being and specific discomforts, customizing our approach to address your unique needs and goals. Joint mobilizations are generally considered to be safe for most individuals. However, before we begin, osteopathic practitioner will make sure that this approach is not contraindicated because of sensory issues, suspected broken bones, decrease bony density, extremely flexible joints that cause pain.

Our osteopathic practitioner will ensure your comfort throughout the session. They will explain each step before gently mobilizing the joints in areas of tension, such as your head, neck, back, or other problematic regions. If you ever feel uneasy, don’t hesitate to communicate with your therapist.

Your comfort and feedback will be paramount throughout the session, enabling us to make adjustments as necessary to optimize the effectiveness of the joint mobilization treatment.

Also, based on the nature of your heath concerns, the treatment may also include other modalities such as craniosacral, myofascial release, visceral mobilization or lymphatic drainage to make sure that we address the issue holistically.

What to expect from joint mobilizations

An osteopathic session typically lasts between 30 minutes to one hour, and achieving your desired outcomes may require multiple sessions. When integrated into a treatment plan alongside beneficial therapies such as strengthening or stretching exercises, join mobilizationscan assist you in returning to activities you enjoy.

Individual experiences and treatment goals vary, leading to differing results. Ongoing research aims to further understand the effectiveness of joint mobilizations for various medical conditions.

Following a treatment, some individuals may experience immediate relief from their symptoms.

Pain relief. Relaxation. Improved emotional well-being. Stress relief.

Some people might require a few days for their body to fully integrate the effects of the treatment on their physical condition. The timeframe for observing results varies depending on your treatment objectives, potentially spanning multiple sessions over several weeks to months.

After your treatment session, it’s essential to prioritize self-care to maximize the benefits of the therapy. Firstly, ensure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help flush out toxins released during the session and to keep your tissues hydrated. Engaging in gentle movement, such as walking or light stretching, can help maintain the flexibility and mobility gained during the treatment.

Pay attention to any changes in your body and how you feel in the following days, noting any improvements or areas that may still require attention. It’s also advisable to follow any post-treatment recommendations provided by your osteopathic practitioner, which may include specific exercises, stretches, or lifestyle adjustments to support ongoing recovery and promote overall well-being. Lastly, scheduling regular follow-up sessions as recommended can help sustain the positive effects of the treatment over time.

Call Annex Osteopathy today (416) 550-0143 to book appointment.