Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on osteopathic technique that utilizes a light touch to release tension within the body’s fascia network.

Based on Osteopathic principles, Craniosacral Therapy involves the bones of the head, the spinal column, the sacrum and the underlying structures.

Craniosacral Therapy is based on the idea that bones of the head are in constant rhythmic motion. This motion can affect the entire body.

Craniosacral treatment is aimed to restore this rhythm and allow the forces of life to flow free.
This approach aids in pain relief while also enhancing resistance to disease.

The human body is interconnected, both structurally and functionally. This means that one area of your body can affect another. The goal of Craniosacral therapy is tension relief (fascial clearance).

This may help other connected parts of your body function better through: Self-regulation, Self-correction, Self-healing.

Craniosacral  Therapy

How does craniosacral therapy work?

CST focuses on the gentle placement of hands to help release tension in your body’s connective tissue. This is known as “fascia” (pronounced “fash-ee-uh”). Fascia is the Latin word for band. It’s a casing found throughout your body that holds your organs, glands, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, brain and spinal cord.
The fascia forms a body-wide connective tissue network.

Craniosacral therapy may help you manage symptoms of the following conditions:

What to expect on your first visit.

Craniosacral therapy session is similar to massage therapy, except you stay fully clothed. To help you relax, you may hear soft music and the room may have low lighting.

During your initial visit, you’ll undergo a thorough evaluation and receive your first treatment. At Annex Osteopathy, we engage in conversations about your general well-being and specific discomforts, tailoring our approach accordingly. We will discuss concerns about your health and the goals of the session.

During your session, you’ll lie on a massage table or, if needed due to special circumstances, you may sit in a chair. Osteopathic practitioner will check in with you during your session to make sure you’re comfortable. They’ll also explain what they’re doing before they touch your body to make sure you know what’s happening. If at any time you don’t feel comfortable, let your therapist know.

Your therapist will use their hands to apply gentle pressure to your head, neck, back (around your spinal column) or on areas of your body where you have symptoms.

What to expect from your Craniosacral Treatment

A session of craniosacral therapy may take between 30 minutes to one hour. You may need multiple sessions to achieve your goals.

Each person’s situation and reason for the therapy is different and your results may vary. Research is ongoing to learn more about how effective craniosacral therapy is to treat different medical conditions.

Some people feel relief from their symptoms immediately following a craniosacral therapy session. They may experience:
Pain relief. Relaxation. Improved emotional well-being. Stress relief.
Others may need a couple of days until their body can process how the treatment adjusted their body’s performance. Depending on your goals for the treatment, it could take several sessions over a few weeks to months before you see results.

During and after the session, people may experience different sensations, including:

Feeling so relaxed you fall asleep.
Feeling as though you’ve entered a meditative state.
Feeling as though you’re dreaming even when wide awake.
Recalling different memories while being treated.
Feeling a sense of warmth and softness or as if you’re floating.
Feeling relaxed and energized simultaneously.
Deeper breathing.
Feeling as though you are standing taller and straighter.

After your treatment, it’s essential to prioritize self-care to maximize the benefits of the therapy. Firstly, ensure you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help flush out toxins released during the session and to keep your tissues hydrated. Engaging in gentle movement, such as walking or light stretching, can help maintain the flexibility and mobility gained during the treatment.

Pay attention to any changes in your body and how you feel in the following days, noting any improvements or areas that may still require attention. It’s also advisable to follow any post-treatment recommendations provided by your osteopathic practitioner, which may include specific exercises, stretches, or lifestyle adjustments to support ongoing recovery and promote overall well-being. Lastly, scheduling regular follow-up sessions as recommended can help sustain the positive effects of the treatment over time.

Call Annex Osteopathy today (416) 550-0143 to book appointment.